Interreg Euro-MED - MedSeaRise
The MedSeaRise project is a study project that aims to build a methodology considering both, the anthropic activities and the ecosystem, exposed to the sea level rise hazard then joined in the same search for a common set of best practices in using the available future climate scenarios.

Climate change is evident in many aspects, among them there is the progressive increase of the average sea level. Consequently. this rise is not only affecting general sea levels but also increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme sea level events.
The assessment of risks deriving from sea level variations requires a robust quantification of all the elements bringing the sea level to become a hazard thus, for an effective adaptation to future sea conditions, it is mandatory to have reliable knowledge on scenarios for sea level trends. As a consequence, there is an urgent need to quantify the likelihood of available scientific information on the expected XXI century sea level trends, in the Mediterranean sub-basins, with an estimate of the uncertainties.
This is the challenge addressed by the Interreg Euro-MED–MedSeaRise project. The objective of the project is improving the assessment of risks deriving from the Mediterranean Sea level variations, through a robust quantification of its hazardous source.
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