

The objectives of MedSeaRise project


The objectives of MedSeaRise project can be achieved with the active contribution of the stakeholders only. For this reason, all Project Partners have developed a methodology for stakeholder engagement and information harvesting.
 The methodology foresees four phases which lead the Partners in creating a fruitful participatory process, in which stakeholders play an active role.
The logic starts with a survey of stakeholders potentially interested in being involved in the project activities, then proceeds with a series of meetings, aimed to share the project goals and the stakeholders’ perception of and awareness on risks and impacts deriving from sea level rise.
Next, according to the level of involvement of stakeholder in the project, the summary of the harvested information will be used to select a set of case studies to be conducted in the frame of the projects with the involvement of experts, also external to the project partnership, if needed.
MedSeaRise is open to cover a wide set of impacts related to progressive increase of the sea level, according to the stakeholders’ requests. It ranges from those related to the threatened anthropic activities to the consequences expected to affect the ecosystems.
The methodology is ready to be applied and each Project Partner is actively working to implement it. In fact, the first phase is already at an advanced stage of implementation. Partners are working to complete the list of stakeholders potentially interested in being involved.