Sea Surface heighr anomaly scenario with respect to 1995-2014 in Malta


MedSeaRise preliminary sets of data for stakeholders


The MedSeaRise project has dedicated actions to retrieve and post elaborate data on the future scenarios of sea level across the Mediterranean.

The work started in the early months of the project and it will continue in the next months too. It is an iterative and incremental activity that aims to collect all the quantitative information available on the projections of the sea level. This analysis will help us evaluate the likelihood of each dataset and prepare the data in a format suitable for the case studies, and the benchmarks each Project Partner is going to conduct in collaboration with stakeholders. Thanks to the skill of the scientific component of the project partnership, a subset of the whole expected data is already available and under post-elaboration.

In particular, time series of sea level, air temperature and precipitation anomalies, that are variations of those variables with respect to a reference period of twenty years, representing the near past of the environmental condition in the Mediterranean, have been generated.

Project partners are going to use plots of the anomalies during the meetings with the stakeholders that they are going to organize and conduct. Besides the availability of data in numerical format, the plots will ease sharing the information MedSeaRise is preparing for the needs of stakeholders.

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