MedSeaRise has identified the set of stakeholders


MedSeaRise has identified the set of stakeholders


MedSeaRise project has completed the survey of potential stakeholders that could be involved in the participatory process. The engagement of the stakeholders is mandatory for the project objectives. In fact, the stakeholders are going to collaborate with the Project Partners in harvesting the information on the perception of and awareness of risks and impacts deriving from sea level rise.

During the last month, each Project Partner has drawn a list of stakeholders potentially interested in being involved in the project activities. Those lists come from the long expertise each Partner has in operating on their own territories and interacting with the communities therein.

The result of that collective work is a large number of stakeholders, they account for 140. According to the project approach to the consequences of the sea level rise, each stakeholder has been associated with one of the two classes, namely that affecting anthropic activities and that impacting ecosystems.However, for a few of them it was not possible to choose the prevailing aspect, so they have been collected in a third mixed class.

Starting from this richness of information, the project is ready to proceed with the phase B of the methodology for stakeholder engagement and information harvesting, that is the organization of the meetings among partners and stakeholders. Those common activities represent one of the fundamentals of a fruitful participatory process, in which stakeholders play their active role.