

The project is co-funded by the Interreg Euro-MED Programme and brings together 6 partners and 1 associated partner from Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Montenegro, and Malta.

Furthermore, the project’s transnational partnership not only provides an inter-regional perspective on the challenge but also integrates the interdisciplinarity needed to understand how anthropic solutions and better preservation of coastal ecosystems must be involved in resilience and adaptation actions to address the progressive sea level rise. Consequently, you can learn more about what we achieve and what we do.

Lead Partner

The Development Company ANATOLIKH S.A. is a Local Government Development Organization and it is a tool for a faster and more complete approach to implement a strategic plan to transform it into a green zone, respectively with similar international initiatives. A key policy in its operation is the combination of parallel interventions in all sectors of society and the combination of elements of integrated development in all its individual actions, utilizing its participation in projects co-financed by EU programs.

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Furthermore, its contribution specializes in promoting recycling in the Municipalities of Eastern Thessaloniki and Thessaloniki. It addresses employment, promotes renewable energy sources and energy saving, and manages traffic. Additionally, it advances the circular economy, manages water resources, operates social structures, and supports the operational planning of Local Authorities. Moreover, it aids the Network of Greek Expatriates Elected Local Government of Europe. Finally, an important asset for the implementation of the above objectives is the experienced and scientifically trained human resources of the company.

For the MedSeaRise project , ANATOLIKI S.A. will be participated as Lead Partner who will have a multitasking role in the project, contributing with the expertise of its technical scientific staff to the development of the planned activities, ensuring the proper management and coordination of the proposal and committing for the wide dissemination of the achievements and results to a wide group of stakeholders and interested groups in Greece. Meet the team here.

Partner 2

ARPA FVG is the regional body responsible for environmental surveillance and monitoring in the Friuli Venezia Giulia territory, northeastern Italy. Its tasks include environmental surveillance, monitoring, and control of anthropic pressures. It also conducts technical-scientific research and supports public administrations. Additionally, ARPA FVG engages in educational activities to raise awareness among the population and stakeholders about sustainability, environmental respect, and preservation.

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In the project, ARPA FVG brings its expertise in climate scenario data identification, analysis, and post-elaboration. Additionally, the skills of the Regional Center for Environmental Modelling, a sector of the Agency, enable ARPA FVG to handle the computational activities required to download and organize large datasets. They also post-elaborate the data to create summary subsets necessary for assessing climate change impact risks and summarizing information to support the methodology and deliver data.

Furthermore, within the framework of MedSeaRise, the Agency carries on case studies on sea level rise related risks for both anthropic and ecosystem impacts, which are considered relevant in the north Adriatic area. Moreover, it supports the Project Partners in conducting similar activities in their own geographical areas.

Partner 3

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Nice Côte d’Azur (CCINCA) is a public and democratic institution that plays a leading role in the education, information and support of local enterprises and public stakeholders in the Côte d’Azur region, in order to help them cope with key trends and major economic developments. Its actions are organised around five priorities: the animation of the economic life, enterprises information, the creation of collaborations between local stakeholders, the development of efficient facilities and the training of employees in line with companies’ current needs. Every year, the Chamber supports almost 3800 businesses, 80 trade federations and associations and several economic actors and local authorities.

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The CCINCA performs in its economic monitoring and analysis mission for the Côte d’Azur region, through SIRIUS observatory, the observatories OIH, for housing estate, and OZEA, for business parks and areas, which enables it to have up-to-date data, to keep abreast of new trends and to be proactive. The institution has also an excellent knowledge of the stakeholders involved in risk management, urban planning, and the mapping of economic activities. As the Maritime Alps regularly face droughts and floods, the CCINCA is used to cooperate with the French State on topics related to water management and rise anticipation of the Mediterranean Sea providing diagnostics of companies impacted by risks and risk-preventing and awareness-raising workshops among economic stakeholders.

For the MedSeaRise project, the CCINCA will contribute to the identification of stakeholders for risks affecting anthropic activities, will be sharing with them information on the Sea level rise and will be leading the work-package 3 concerning the methodology validation on the sea level trends data usage in risk evaluation processes by means of examples of its application, identified thanks to the stakeholder’s participation and the expert’s analyses.


Partner 4

The Institute of Marine Biology Kotor (IMBK) is a member of the University of Montenegro established in 1961. The professional activities of the Institute are organized in 6 laboratories: Laboratory for Marine Chemistry and Oceanography; Laboratory of Ichthyology and Fisheries; Laboratory for Benthos and Sea Protection; Laboratory of Developmental Research and Aquaculture; Laboratory for Plankton and Seawater Quality and Center for Adriatic Biodiversity Conservation – Boka Aquarium.

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The decades-long program conception of the Institute, the unique marine research institution in Montenegro dedicated to scientific investigation with a focus on Biological, ecological, taxonomic and hydrographical research of marine life, and Preservation and advancement of the environment in the Montenegrin littoral.

The research has a multidisciplinary approach, primarily focused on the Southern Adriatic. IMBK has a long expertise in marine biology, marine ecology, and marine and coastal surveys. Besides fundamental research, the Institute is involved in many projects of a more practical nature, including the conservation of the environment, marine fisheries, aquaculture, and integrated coastal area management, through which scientific research is put to practical use. Since 1965 the Institute of Marine Biology is publishing scientific magazine „Studia marina“. IMBK leads and partners in several domestic, bilateral, Interreg, EU projects, H2020, etc.

Partner 5

Established in 1886, the Barcelona Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services, and Navigation stands as a public law corporation committed to supporting businesses and fostering economic activity for sustainable local development. Functioning both as a representative and independent institution, it safeguards the general interests of its members while delivering valuable services to businesses. Under its representative and advisory role, the Chamber conducts economic and territorial analyses and contributes to public policy, infrastructure and planning proposals.

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With a focused service mission for businesses, the Chamber actively supports internationalisation and trade. Providing crucial business information, advice, and access to finance, it also supports innovation, digitalisation, and sustainability, while implementing comprehensive business and professional training programmes. Serving as a central hub for regional companies, the Chamber, headquartered in Barcelona, operates in all economic sectors, connecting with approximately 420,000 businesses. Moreover, its strategic position across its demarcation is reinforced by 12 territorial Chambers and strong connections with the business and research ecosystem, as well as public administrations.

Partner 6

The Oceanography Malta Research Group (OMRG) within the Department of Geosciences of the Faculty of Science aims to promote the field of oceanography through its applied research and teaching activities, making it the quintessential oceanography research group in the Maltese Islands.

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The OMRG in fact integrates multifarious expertise through the background of its academic staff, such that it can address a diverse array of sub-disciplines linked with the field of oceanography. These sub-disciplines include physical oceanography, biological and chemical oceanography, geological oceanography and marine meteorology. The core academic staff within the OMRG include Prof. Alan Deidun, with an expertise in marine ecology, ocean governance and Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), Dr Anthony Galea, specialised in marine hydrodynamics and modelling and Dr Adam Gauci, whose areas of interest include Machine Learning (ML) protocols, remote sensing and oceanography instrumentation. The OM core group is then assisted by additional research staff, including Ms Audrey Zammit, Mr Alessio Marrone and Mr David Ramirez. The Group’s collaborative portfolio is extensive, given that the research group is currently representing the University of Malta within a substantial number of externally-funded projects within the ambit of numerous EU and national funding programmes, including the Interreg MED, Interreg Italia-Malta 2014-2020, JPI Oceans, Erasmus+ and MCST Space Fund ones, even coordinating a number of the same projects, including CORALLO and CALYPSO. As a result, the research group delivers a substantial research output each year in the form of peer-reviewed publications and manages to expose the numerous post-graduate research students (PhD, MSc) it supervises to the deliverables of the same projects. The OMRG also coordinates the Master of Science in Applied Oceanography, which is offered on a full-time, taught basis over the course of one calendar year and which combines both theoretical and applicative aspects of oceanography, such that students can partake of overseas research visits, work placements and numerous instrument field deployments opportunities at sea. In addition, the OMRG actively participates in the Bachelor of Science undergraduate course offered by the Department of Geosciences and services a substantial number of alternative University of Malta Departments and Institutes through regular lecturing, include the Institute for Earth Systems, the Institute for Renewable Energy, the Faculty of Laws and MEDAC. The Group also manages, on behalf of the University of Malta, a long-standing fruitful relationship with the International Ocean Institute (IOI), with Prof. Alan Deidun (Malta’s Ocean Ambassador and CIESM national delegate for Malta) directing the IOI’s Malta Training Centre which delivers an annual, accredited, international course on ocean governance. The OMRG also coordinates a total of three national citizen science campaign, as follows: Spot the Jellyfish, running since June 2010, Spot the Alien Fish, running since January 2016, Spot the Alien, running since January 2018, making the research group Malta’s foremost entity for the conduction of marine-oriented citizen science campaigns. The three campaigns are supported by the International Ocean Institute (IOI), the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) as well as the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA). Through these campaigns, the OMRG regularly liaises with a broad array of marine and maritime stakeholders, promoting good ocean literacy practice, consistent with the targets of the UN’s Ocean Sciences Decade (2021-2030). Further information about the Oceanography Malta Research Group can be gleaned on our home page.

Associated Partner

The Municipality of Kalamaria constitutes the third largest in population municipality of the urban area of Thessaloniki in Central Macedonia. According to the 2021 census the residents of the Municipality are 92.238, however the actual number is estimated to 120.000 by the municipality services. The geographical area of the Municipality is 7.2

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The first settlement was created in the early 1920s to house refugees from Asia Minor, Pontus and East Thrace, who fled or were forcibly sent to Greece as a result of the Greco-Turkish War.Among the refugees 117.000 were settled in Thessaloniki Up until 1943 Kalamaria was part of the Municipality of Thessaloniki.

On 1st of January 1943 it became an independent administrative unity, counting 10.500 residents.The municipality is separated into 10 geographical districts, which have been given names reminiscent of the refugees’ former homelands.

The economic development of Kalamaria is mainly supported by recreation activities, particularly those in the coastal area, which is extended to 6,5 km and more specifically the beach of Aretsou, a highly developed centre of recreation. Wholesale and retail trade and commerce also constitute an important economic activity with important commercial sites installed in the historical centre as well as the periphery of the municipality.

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To describe the Interreg Euro-MED MedSeaRise you can use one of the following:

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The MedSeaRise project will define and promote a methodology supporting the assessment of risks and the adaptation actions related to sea level rise, due to climate change scenarios, specifically suited for the Mediterranean coastal areas.

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The MedSeaRise project is a study project that aims to build a methodology considering both the anthropic activities and the ecosystem exposed to the sea level rise hazard. 6 partners from 6 different countries and one associated partner will collaborate to identify a common set of best practices for utilizing available future climate scenarios.   

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